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Cell Phone Policy

USD 350 has implemented a new cell phone policy for the 2024-25 school year.  The handbook policy is below, followed by specifics about how the new Yondr pouches will work.  The new policy will be implemented when the devices arrive around Labor Day.


This policy applies to any and all electronic communication devices capable of recording, broadcasting, or communicating with another electronic device, including but not limited to cell phones, earbuds, and watches if used for the purpose of communication.


Use of cell phones and similar devices the school day is prohibited.  Students may carry devices with them on their person or in a backpack or purse, but will be expected to power off the device and leave it in a locked case provided by the school district.  Staff members will ensure that devices are locked in the case at the beginning of the school day and will unlock the devices at the end of the school day.  High school students that leave for open lunch will have their devices unlocked by staff before lunch and locked again after lunch.  Any student in possession of a device(s) must utilize the locking pouch.  The school and its staff are not responsible for any damage to or theft of a student’s cell phone.


Students using cell phones or other functions on electronic devices in any manner that disrupts the educational environment, from within or from outside the classroom, or violates the rights of others, including, but not limited to, using the device in violation of our academic honesty policy, violating school conduct rules, harassing or bullying staff or students, photographing or video recording or using their device for unlawful purposes will be subject to more severe disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion and may, if applicable be reported to law enforcement authorities. 


Whenever a policy violation occurs, the school staff member will confiscate the device and turn it into the principal’s office or call the office and send the student to the office to turn it in.  Upon violating the policy, if a student refuses to turn over the device to the teacher or report to the office and turn in the device, the student will face immediate additional consequences for failure to obey a reasonable request, up to and including suspension.


Consequences for policy violations:

First violation: Warning – student may take the device home at the end of the day

Second violation: Detention – student may take the device home at the end of the day

Third violation: Detention – the device will only be returned to a parent/guardian and the student will lose open lunch provisions for one week

Subsequent violations: Up to and including suspension and indefinite removal of open lunch provisions.  The device will only be returned to a parent/guardian.


Elementary students should not use electronic communication devices at any point during the school day.  Violations of this policy at the elementary level will be handled on a case-by-case basis.



How Yondr Works


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I want to reach my child during the school day?

We want our students to be engaged in their learning. If you need to contact your child during the school day, contact the main office at 620-549-3277.


What if there is a school emergency?

In case of a school emergency, we direct our students to safety first, following our school emergency preparedness protocol. 


Will my student’s phone be safe?

Students are in possession of their phone - in their Yondr pouch - for the entire school day. We will advise students to store the pouch in their backpacks where it is completely safe.


What if the Yondr pouch gets damaged or a student is caught on their phone?

Consequences for policy violations: 

First violation: Warning – student may take the device home at the end of the day 

Second violation: Detention – student may take the device home at the end of the day 

Third violation: Detention – the device will only be returned to a parent/guardian and the student will lose open lunch provisions for one week 

Subsequent violations: Up to and including suspension and indefinite removal of open lunch provisions. The device will only be returned to a parent/guardian.

Note: Damage consists of any signs that the physical integrity of the pouch has been compromised, whether intentional or unintentional, as determined by the school or Yondr staff.


What about Open Lunch?

High School students will be able to unlock their pouch and have their phone during the open lunch period.

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